Good Suggestions for Tube Amps under 6k

I wanted to see if there were any group suggestions for an integrated tube amp or tube / solid-state combo under 10k or, even better, under 6k. Still looking for my final purchase in this part of my system.  Thanks everyone.


Again, to everyone, thanks so much for the feedback.  I want to try to wrap up this thread by saying:

1. I've been super pleased with the PrimaLuna EVO 400.  It has wowed everyone who has come by to listen.  Those PrimaLuna contributors who have written in can vouch for the fan base and build quality.

2. When you have reached a certain level in this deep-hole hobby, you can't help but wonder what other marvels and fine-tune magic you might be able to squeeze out of your system.  I opened this up not to belittle a really fine, highly respected, and awarded amp but rather to see what veteran advice might surface.  My first choice when setting up the system was the LTA Ultralinear+ but I was buying all of the components at once and just couldn't afford the extra $$ to reach it.  (I failed to mention I use an Innuos Zenith MK3 for streaming). PrimaLuna seemed like a great alternative for a few thousand less and still is.  Of course, something inside wants to pop a higher-priced, well-regarded tube amp into my current system and environment for the A/B comparison... If for no other reason than to conclude that more money did not provide any significant gain.

Finally, again, thank you for great suggestions.  I'm sure all these amps would please many listeners.  For those who lean more toward the tube (particularly ultralinear) sound, it's just a fun comparative conversation.  I will close my participation in this thread.  It was not to "beat a dead horse", just an enjoyable exploration.  All the best!

I have an LTA Ultralinear+ that I am parting with. It's not a great fit with the rest of my system, or the direction I am going, but it would have a lot of synergy with yours. PM me and I will give you a deal on it. With the Daedalus speakers you know you have at least one component you are never going to want to upgrade. Some of the best speakers I have ever heard.


Thanks Steve.  Your Tannoys look impressive and you have a Decware amp I got in line for but gave up due to production times and bought the PrimaLuna instead.  I am not ready to purchase a new amp quite yet, even a reduced-priced LTA (very tempting).  If you haven't sold it in six months, I'd be ready to make an offer.  Currently renovating an old farmhouse (with new music room) and am hemorrhaging $$ in several directions.  I'd be willing to buy it later and hold on to the PrimaLuna as well but not yet...  Thank you.   -- Greg

OP, have you rolled your Evo 400? I'm assuming "yes" but if not, then I would start there. For me, it was like having a brand new amp. I went with KT-150s for power and Radio Techniques (highly rec) in the front two slots and Mazda Cliftes on the sides. I listen to mostly rock but also some jazz and electronic.


I have not ventured into rolling, neither with the EVO 400 nor the Lampizator Atlantic DAC.  I honestly can't think of one thing I'd change with the Lampi. With my system and ear, it still remains my favored DAC. Along with the Daedalus speakers, I have no curiosity to vary.  I tried a bunch of DACs, and none had quite the magic of the Lampi, so leaving it alone. Thanks for the specific tube suggestions for the EVO.  I would love to see that effect and do plan on exploring if I keep it, which I may do, and just add another amplifier for a different combo.