Prospectives on Chi-Fi

Putting politics aside this is a good opinion piece and I hope puts some things in prospective.


Who would think that using a photo of a cute dog would fool anyone when he posts the same way? It's the same, tired and old MO that he uses over and over. There has to be more in life.

All the best,

Post removed 

It's really unfortunate that we can't just talk about audio and music here without the insults and politics.

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Time for you and your falter ego to say bye-bye for now. 

In case anyone is wondering WTF is going on, juanmanuelfangioii started out like jeffstrick, being nice and polite while he inserted his venom into his posts only to get uglier and uglier as time went on. The same went for his other attempts. It always centered around the same topics that he lost the arguments over. He'd just come back, like a vengeful Phoenix, rising from the ashes, only to go down in flames again.

As members here noticed the trend, they'd call him out on it and then the lid came off as his id exploded with his childish vulgarities and attitude. Soon his posts will vanish, like a fart in the breeze, only to come back later under another avatar.

He's already signed off on another thread, decrying his situation but rest assured, he's sitting there, waiting for a response, so he can be his true self again. Get some popcorn and smoke 'em if you got 'em.

All the best,

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