Prospectives on Chi-Fi

Putting politics aside this is a good opinion piece and I hope puts some things in prospective.



Yep only 6 people in the world are into motorcycles and cars.

Way to go arafiq.....The pink panther reborn.

@juanmanuelfangioii ,

How about this tidbit: You, jeffstrick, jerryg123, and skypunk all own a Thorens td145 with a custom plinth, verified by a quick search.

An astonishing coincidence! And that’s just one piece of equipment that can be cross referenced to you all. 

Honestly pathetic.

Also, @jeffstrick you state you’ve had your Thorens since 1978 yet in another post you declare that you’re 27 years old. Time travel?

George Santos has got nothing on you guys.

Good work guys! I have to say though that of all his alter egos, I dislike juanmanuelfangioli the most. You are so snagged pal! Nailed, scaled and derailed!
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