The best speaker cables you’ve had

Simply put, the best you’ve owned and/or heard.


I’ve tried Blue Jeans, Audio Quest Granite and 1 other inexpensive cable, I cannot recall the name, before upgrading to Audio Sensibility Signature. The Owner said the AS Signature would be the last cable I would ever (want to) buy and I believe he is right. All of the cables I tried were used on the same equipment and the level of clarity using AS was like lifting a veil from the speakers. There are crisper highs and bass depth I had not previously heard. This is not an ad for AS cables. I’m sure the there are other fine cables that will perform as well.

I’m 70 years old and have significant hearing loss. But, I can distinctly hear differences in each one of the speaker cables I’ve tried. Anyone who does not believe there is a difference either hasn’t heard different cables or doesn’t have equipment capable of picking up the sonic differences.

Owned and heard:  Transparent Reference

I have Transparent from needle or laser to speakers.

Its all about loading... and everything is a compromise.
Last time I decided to "upgrade" the speaker cables, I compared Nordost Heimdall 2, Frey 2 and Tyr 2. In my system Frey 2 is the best fit. Tyr 2 actually tilted the spectrum a bit towards LF region. All that ordeal lasted for about 4 weeks, and I hope never to repeat it. Oh, yes - I spent in Cognac and wine for those four weekends almost as much - my friends are thirsty bunch. And spoiled.
If you're into photography or optics, or have a common sense, please continue: 

The difference between 45/f1.4 and 50/f2.8 on the same camera body might be impossible to notice to the most. The final choice will depend on you: what are you trying to capture; what environment you (and a subject) are usually in; what light will you have - and many more factors, all of them important. The final choice is also a very personal matter: 45/f1.4 usually costs much, much more. But, it can deal with many more situations - that might not be important at all to the most photographers out there. Also, it will not be appropriate for the most of a camera bodies out there. Its all about matching, and its all compromise.
So, if you like using lamp cord and cannot hear any difference between it and a specifically designed cable with a speaker / amplifier interaction in mind from a reputable manufacturer, it does not make any sense for you to invest in anything better than a copper 14/2 from Home Despot. However, that does not mean your math (actually, Physics...) is right. And it does not give you right to say that everyone with a different mindset than yours is plainly stupid. Your comments are telling me that your lens does not let the light through... at all.