Bluesound Node 2 producing distortion and dropouts

I have my Bluesound Node connected via co-ax to a Chord Hugo TT-2 and have been experiencing some issues as of late. When I start to listen to music I sometimes have a distortion with dropouts. I have found that if I unplug the power cord on the Bluesound and press the buttons on the top and re-plug the power cord, the issue goes away.

is anyone else experiencing this? Is this a signal from the Bluesound that is starting to fail and I should start shopping for a replacement streamer. A little background, I originally bought this unit 3-4 years ago,new. I used a Rega DAC then a Chord Cutest and about 6-8 months ago the Hugo. Until a few weeks ago I had great service from this unit, so I don’t feel the DAC is related to the issue. I mainly am using Tidal and Qobuz for streaming.

any insight is greatly appreciated, thank you.



My problem with the Node disappearing from the drawer every day or so, which began after the latest update to 3.20.45, seems to have been fixed with the latest 3.20.49 release.  For 5 mornings in a row since the update, neither my N130 nor my Powernode have disappeared. 

I am happy to hear that it was an update issue amd the new update seems to be resolving these issues as per a few members that have reported. My problem is that when I try to install or request an update via the uprade button, get the response "No Updates available" . Bluesound must roll out these upgrades/updates by region or something, as some have indicated that they received it already, which makes no sense to me.

Holding onto some hope here

Thanks for all the help

I just read on the Bluesound site that the 3.20.49 is only applicable to the Node (latested version node) and not the 2 or 2i. So back to square 1.