IcePower1200AS: Who has heard or has them, with what system components? Do you love them?

I love my EVS 1200, but it is anything but stock modules in a box. It's highly tweaked out by the mad genius, Ric Schultz, who modifys various class D amps. Prior to the EVS1200 I had PS Audio M700s, which I thought were very good and can be had for ~ 2K now, but I sold them because I wanted/needed more power for my 20 x 40 x 12 room and Ric's EVS1200 provided double the power at near the same price.

It was a bit of a risk in that I had never heard one, but he offered a 30 day money back trial. Well, it took my Emerald Physics KCIIs to a musical level that let me know I was keeping it. I was hoping to incorporate my 2 SVS powered subs (Ultra and Plus) with the KCIIs, but could not get them to integrate, and the room is too big for the KCIIs alone on power music.

About 3 weeks ago I replaced them with EP 3.4s, which is more than double the MSRP, and worth every hard earned dollar difference. 2 days ago I put on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon. I have listened to this disc with the following recent class D amps from W4S, Emerald Physics 100.2SEs, Audio Alchemy DPA-1, and the PSA M700s, but none of them through 3.4s, so while this is far from apples to apples, it does point to how great the EVS 1200 is, cause the music NEVER sounded as real and three dimensional as it does now, but, ~ 20% of the music I listen to needs more base , but the subs I think I needs cost $5K+. The great news is I have a pair of EP 2.8s coming soon. In addition to having the same 12" carbon fiber woofers with concentric polyester tweeter as the 3.4s, BUT, adds 2 @15" carbon fiber woofers in a de'apolito layout. These have been a long time coming. I'm pretty sure they will be my last pair of speakers

So what's your experience with IcePower based 1220 AS amps?

So, tweak1, are you saying the 1200 is allowing you to not miss the GAN 350 ? You have stated many times, there is no comparison....that the LSA GAN is far superior in every way. I am currently shopping for a Class D that I can happily live with. My best always, MrD.


I think getting all my kit off of the solid steel vertical rack paid much bigger dividends then I ever could have imagined (click on my UN to see pic), though I thought it would be a good improvement, but what Im hearing now is absolutely jaw dropping (when the recordings are good)

There is no way to listen to how much better the V is, since it’s down for a while, but under the same conditions as the 1200 when I first got it, I can only assume. That said, M Fremer bought the PS Audio M1200s which has the identical AS1200 modules as the 1200, but with a tube ipout.

1200s are rarely available (I think Ric only built 12-14). I know you won’t go wrong with a V. A local file came to my house when the 1200 was first in the system and was amazed, but when I told him about the V he rushed out and got one, and to this day is in love with it. YMMV

FYI LSA’s Warp One class D has gotten several recent excellent reviews


WOW  Underwood HiFi has introduced the LSA 600.2SE AS1200 with tube input

Shipped for $1999- take that PS Audio


@tweak1...I tried a Warp One ( purchased new from Underwood ), and I was quite disappointed with it. A buddy of mine purchased one, and he loves it. 

When I first got my EVS 1200 I was using Series 8 WireWorld interconnects, speaker cables and Pangea Premier XL 1.5m coax cable. As you mentioned, I was extremely happy with the amp (compared to PS Audio M700s). Eventually I came across the Chinese Cable knockoff thread and first tried the fau-Nordost Odin 1.5m coax which was/is amazing: as they were so cheap compared to the $169 1.5m Pangea, I also bought a 1.0M Odin, but didn’t try it until after I replaced both the WW cables with Odin 2 XLRs and cables. Then I replaced the 1.5m with the 1.0 and was kinda blown away that 0.5m of the same coax could be THAT much better.

While my all SS system sounded very good, it was a bit too sharp, so I ordered Odin Gold speaker cables (at ~ $170/2.5m). Unfortunately one leg must of had a bad solder joint as it barely sent the music . It took a couple months before they replaced it, which I finally installed 2 days ago: BAM. Even immediately, but of course it needs break in time. The weather here (Ft Lauderdale) has been really bad, I have only left for short quick trips. Today we are under a tornado watch, so won't leave, but as soon as I can get out for a few hours I will put on my XLO burn-in disc, which I use on everything I insert, including the M 700s, EVS, and Voyager which expedites break in, which still takes a good 50-100-200 hours!

Summing this up: cables can/do make or break a system. If I had these cables when I first got the EVS, I probably would never have gotten the Voyager, which of course I am itching to compare again, but could still be awhile