Audio Research Owners Worried?

Obviously we all should be nervous but thoughts? Ref75SE and LS28 owner but looking at the ARC for sale today YIKES!!!

Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12

Oddiofyl I would tend to agree with you but have you seen Audiomart listing geez.  

See the other thread - I just posted a message that was posted on WhatsBestForum by someone associated with the company

Anyone heavily invested in ARC gear who says "no" is either quite well-off or lying. 
When my Ref 150 SE blew up a year ago I tried to send it in for repairs and was told that they were so backed up with repairs that I would need to join a wait-list. I did and to this day they have never gotten back to me. In the meantime I took the amp in to a very talented local tech. He told me he needed a schematic. What followed was a pretty laughable see-saw of being told "yes, we will get you a schematic" with "who told you that? We don't provide schematics". ARC eventually sent one to my tech and he repaired my amp. It sounds great. But what if they had shut their doors?