Audio Research Owners Worried?

Obviously we all should be nervous but thoughts? Ref75SE and LS28 owner but looking at the ARC for sale today YIKES!!!

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@bigkidz You state that the only time one needs a schematic is when the part (pat sic) values are not marked. While this is correct, that occurrence is more than common, particularly it would seem on most typical high end gear. IMO, the more boutique the manufacturer, the more likely this was a factor.

I have discussed this with several techs that I know, they think that without a schematic and/or with knowledge of the part value, the piece basically becomes a boat anchor! To that, as a member stated above, some parts are more than ’unusual’ ( ala the ghost display of the new ARC amps). If that fails, and no one has a source for parts..same result...boat anchor. Hopefully before closing their doors for good ( which I hope they do NOT have to do), someone at the factory will have the decency to let the schematics go public and also the other parts supply vendors.

@daveyf do far the only unit we could not repair was the bash sub amp but we could have built one for the client that would have been better. We have found ways to repair without schematics and rarely use them if at all.  Like I mentioned by partner has a master's degree in electronics design so he usually can fix, repair, modify most anything


Would not the schematics be part of the intellectual property acquired by the new owners or the liquidators?  For an unauthorized person to release this information would be a form of theft.

@onhwy61 You are correct. Which is why I said someone at the factory and closed their doors for good...I should have authorized person.