Speaker recommendations :-)

Hi there good people 

In short, wanted to hear your ideas. I am into jazz and acoustic music and this is my equipment list, maybe it will help. Listening room is around 50m2 of area.  At this moment i dont have speakers, sold last one already. ( Wilson Sophia 3 ). 

Lamm M1.2Ref. monos,  

Lamm LL1.1. preamp ,

Lamm LP1 Phono. 

dCS Apex Vivaldi Dac + Cd+ Clock + Upsampler

Turntable: Chronos Pro


I am not looking for the “best speakers in the Universe”, just wanted to hear some ideas , maybe they will lead to new  interesting synergy of my system.


Thank you for your time :-)



Heard Fyne Vintage 12 at Axpona and very natural sounding, I could live with them long term.....I think 🤔

+1 Fyne F1-12.  I have auditioned it with B&W Nautilus side by side with exactly the same titles of music.  Very impressive with better tonal balance, image and authority lower end although the SS is a bit narrower than expected.

(191) E121: The Børresen X3 Loudspeakers in play... - YouTube ...Hear what 4.5 in woofers done correctly can sound like...ground braking stuff and only 11K per pair. Incredible.