From the same record.
This brought to mind a recent discussion about the “worthiness” of drum solos. Why it’s even debatable is a mystery to me. Anyway, I think the reason that some react the way they do to drum solos is that drummers have the least amount of musical “cushion”. IOW, generally when horn players solo they have a constant underpinning of harmony and rhythm that gives them more freedom to get outside the musical parameters of the form of any particular tune. Keeps things on track for the listener. When a drummer solos he has nothing. Totally naked. So, he has to get creative and tell a musical story without harmony or melody expression. Only rhythm. He can’t stray too far from the overall vibe of the tune or the solo won’t make sense to many listeners. Something that is basic to any instrumentalist, but especially so for drummers. Check out Philly Joe Jone’s solo on this. Every bit as interesting as any horn solo.