Are carbon fiber speaker cabinets inherently better than wood or metal ones

There seems to be a pretty big jump in speaker prices when moving to carbon fiber cabinetry when all else is equal (or what seems like equal). Is this because it is able to be molded into more acoustically correct shapes or simple the characteristics of the material?


Carbon fiber is a great material for many applications because it is both light and strong. That said, no material has been more overhyped in recent times, and used to make all kinds of junk, from cup holders to toilet seats. But do they use it to make acoustic guitars or violins or a bass viola? That would make me skeptical that it's a superior material for speaker enclosures. I'm sure it's a great sales gimmick that adds lots to the cost of a product that is likely to be priced extra high as a result. But better for speakers? Naw, it's just another material, and like others have said, you have to account for its strengths and weaknesses just as with any other material. I think it is way over-hyped but I'll tell you one thing that I just bought that really benefits from carbon fiber- a photography tripod-- where its strength and light weight really makes a difference. I don't find it all that attractive usually, so it would not be my first choice for a speaker enclosure unless it was painted or coated with something. 

Cabinets as a major contributor to sound can be a rabbit hole depending on the manufacrurers approach.  ATC mids and tweeters do not even use the cabinet interior- cabinets are just a "baffle holder".  Use of variable density MDF can make such cabients nearly inert- especially at low frequency where the woofer is working.  (in ATC"s case, the LF crossover is at 380Hz) .   

Yes, there are carbon fiber acoustic guitars available at various price points. They are much less affected by changes in temperature and humidity than wooden guitars. RainSong is one popular brand while McPherson cater to fatter wallets. 

Nobody has addressed the more important question I raised. Does the malleability of carbon fiber which enables it to be molded into round or rounded cabinets improve the sound of speakers? Of course room acoustics make a huge difference in achievable SQ, much of that due to the shape/dimensions of the room. I would bet a oval shaped room would sound best, or perhaps horseshoe shaped. Is the same true of speaker cabinets? Can it give more of an open baffle sound without the negatives of open baffles?


So If I am reading your response I would sum it up to simply say you know nothing about it.