Absorption, Diffusion or a combination of it all?

Looking to add more acoustic treatment on the wall behind the speakers. Currently using GIK absorption panels (242). 
Planning to add two more panels that would hang pretty much directly behind the speakers on the upper part of the wall (higher quality image on my system page). 
Any benefit going with diffusors?



erik, jaytor,

Thank you for the help. The planar speakers that I am thinking of getting claims they go very deep and do not require subs. But I question that..

And the dealer recommends not using the ASC tube traps. He claims they will absorb too much. 

I do have (4) JL F-113 subs in the room.



JL makes great subs, in particular the room correction is outstanding. 

Anytime you work with bass traps or any absorber you are changing the tonal balance somewhat.  Excess bass trapping makes speakers sound lean, while an excess of reflections make the system sound bright.  Tuning a room is a balancing act. 

Also, check out the AM Acoustics room mode simulator.  Try to keep your speakers and listening location away from the lowest room modes if possible. That is a great first pass at tuning your room.

I like these GIK Tri Traps with range limiter so far. Didn’t suck up the bass. Just improved its definition. Ozzy may be these will work with the planars. Worth looking into. 


Here is what is described on the GIK website about the GIK Tri Traps.

"Effectively designed to absorb more low end, but also does an excellent job of absorbing the high end, creating smooth sound absorption from 50 Hz to 5000 Hz."

Based on this description and what the dealer claims, these would also not work well with the Planar speakers.


@ozzy that’s regular tri traps. Ones I was referring to and what I bought were with range limiter…Based on my listening tests, the description on GIK site is accurate

  • RANGE LIMITER – with a membrane, bass traps absorb even lower frequencies while the membrane has less effect absorbing upper frequencies

The range limiter is an option you can select when ordering.