Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage

I'm considering replacing either my amp or my pre. My system is profiled in my system link. Which do you think would improve soundstage/imaging more:
Replace the P3? I'd consider used McCormack, or a passive line stage, but my amp clips at 5v, which is what my DAC puts out when using the XLR outputs, and I'd like to try those someday...not sure a passive is a good fit for my system? Plus I require a remote. That's a deal breaker.
Replace the Rotel RB-1080? I'd consider parasound (a21 is a bit too pricey for me), used McCormack, odyssey, maybe even older krell or classe. I want XLR inputs tho.
Budget is $900-$1200 for either. Music spans the full gamut, excluding hip hop and country. Room is small, 12x12x8. I'm going to throw up some affordable foam acoustic absorption this summer (foam factory). Thnx in advance.
I don't know what a person talks about depth. I visit people all the time. And believe me most do not have a lot of depth at all. Speakers placed from the wall will not give them a lot more depth. It has to do with the properties of the stuff they own.
It has to do with the properties of the stuff they own.
Bo, you continue to enlighten us with such profound

Realremo, a major game changer would be along the lines of Atmasphere's
recommendations ..try to get into tubes. And for me this always has started at
the line stage. Getting into tube amps would be something for later as this
requires more maintenance.

A handful of line stage / preamp products from the past are in the $1k range
and any of these would be a major jump in 3D performance for you:

Counterpoint SA-5 - Absolute killer preamp from the 80s. Way ahead of its
time. The tube regulated power supply has much to do with this unit's
midrange and 3D magic.

CJ Premier 10 or even the remote 14 - Line stages from the 90s. A bit on the
"warm" side but oh such musicality magic as well.

MFA Magus - Another tube line stage from the 80s. Something to keep your
eyes out. I only ever heard the bigger brother Luminescence which was a
phenomenal performer. Wow. So I suspect some of the magic here got trickled
down to the Magus.

CJ Motif MC-7 or other MC models. - These for Conrad Johnson's solid state
preamps from the 80s for those not wanting the "fuss" with tubes. I
owned this for awhile recently as part of a second smaller as was very
impressed with how it outperforms so many new products today which sound
very dimensionally flat in comparison.

BAT VK-3 series - Might be able to find this around $1k. Another great product
from the 90s.

The one product which gets much talk is the Audible Illusions but this was very
dimensionally flat when I compared it back in the 1990s. Just an FYI.

As for XLR connections, do not even worry about this. Your system is at a level
of cost and performance where your focus should be to find budget products
that standout from the crowd. And likely they will not have XLR connections.
And if they do, the likeliness of them being truly balanced designs are slim to

Once you iron this out, there are many many outstanding tube amps from the
80s and maybe newer in the $1k range that would take your system to the next
level of 3D. But I suggest that you start at the preamp level.
Ding-ding-ding!!! We have a winner!!!

Bo, you have now crossed the threshold from which there is no return. It is now apparent to even the casual observer that you are, in fact, quite rude! It is also obvious that you intended to talk out of your backside when commenting to Atmasphere and now Jafox. Its not important to me that we know why you are stubborn, rude and inflexible, only to publicly call you out on it. Any potential customer of yours should recognize these terminal traits and cautiously proceed with you at their own risk.

There are only a few certainties in this world and among them is the absolute unliklihood that you would ever be considered as a dealer by Atmasphere.
This is getting pathetic. So what that people don't agree on the fine details and specifics. Maybe to a degree what everyone is adding, in their experience, is the truth. I know that there is truth to what everyone has added. An inexpensive system....With the right set up....with the right room treatment....playing the right source .....can image like just fine. I could put together a sub $2000 system that could do that. I would have to by thrifty and used.....but I could also spend mega dollars and have that system for lunch in the imaging department...As long as set up, room and source was maximized. Control these 3 variables and you can get more with wise equipment choices and more money....but there does come a point of diminishing returns.

Everyone has what they believe to be the best advice. So be it. My point with source was made....not too many people seemed to care much about that and continued to make recommendations without asking the op what specifically he listens to, e.g. name 10 of your most frequently played albums. You might find that we are trying to turn grape juice into wine....or maybe not.

In any regard, lighten up...let folks speak their minds or defend their own point. Don't take it so personally that someone's wording and opinion is not of your liking. There are many shades of grey. This is a hobby and should not degenerate into such pettiness.