New owner of used Cary 306 SACD

Friends, am very excited to add this player to my arsenal as my first high end player. It will be paired to a Halcro MC20 driving Newform Research speakers. I will be running the Cary directly to the amp. Had an Atma Sphere pre amp that caused a stubborn humm. Have been running an old Ah Tjoeb directly to the Halcro with no ill effects.
Would appreciate any suggetions from you Cary owners regarding platform for the unit, spikes, settings or any other helpful tweaks.
Many thanks,
Del- you have indeed done well. It is a great player. I was grateful to have the chance to try out a 306. I would give it a try with a passive linestage if I were you. It certainly has the balls for it!

ET, how does a passive line stage work, and how does the additon of another componant benefit a cd player like the Cary which has its own volume control - which is one of the primary reasons I chose it. Tx D1
The Cary 306 SACD does not have its own volume control.

You must be referring to the Cary 306/300 which is not the same machine as the Cary 306 SACD.
The newest version yet is the Cary SACD Pro. All the similar numbering is confusing.

I used a APL Denon for years that had a modified volume control direct to my Pass Labs Amp with very good results.

Only now am I experimenting with a Preamp, because I now own the Cary SACD player.
Ozzy, all I can say about the volume control thing is "Doh." I suspect I would have figured that out for myself next week when it arrives. I looked at so many with (Wadia, Opus, etc) I forgot that small detail about the Cary. Still, I am very happy to have it. Just more desicions.
So what pre's you trying with the Cary? Thanks for the smack to the head.
Your welcome. No big deal, I could tell there was a little confusion.
I just got the New Pass Labs XP 10 since I have a Pass Labs X350.5 Amp, I am breaking it in now.
Let me know how you enjoy the Cd Player when you get it.