Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?

Title says it all. Either you like it and it sounds good or not. What does it say about dealers that are dumping their demos? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xstephens770

@ideal8592  @winoguy17  +1 to each of you. Could someone please post a link to the dump? I think I might know the same guy!

I suspect if Audio Research goes under(not a sure thing) given their reputation over decades their gear will be looked at and valued like the old Marantz gear, the ones made before Saul Marantz was forced to sell the company.

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I switched to all ARC gear less than a year ago and wish I had done so several upgrades back. The idea of "flipping" this equipment has not crossed my mind since the news and I really can't imagine wanting anything more (I know, famous last words.)

Of note is one shabby email I received from a dealer who really slagged my ARC setup. He sent me a note about the receivership and then proceeded to tell me about the "truly superior" brand he represents. I guess some people think a negative sales approach works, but not for me, especially since he is now in my block sender list!