Me too.
For me instrumental tone/ timbre/ textures is both 1 and 2.
Everything else ie dynamic range, transient speed, lack of sibilance, lack of overhang, full range bandwidth, image depth are all of far lesser importance.
That's why I can sometimes prefer a $40 portable speaker which has a vivid tonal palette to a $4000+ Hi-Fi that doesn't.
Seriously, it's inexplicable to me just how so many of these so called 'High End' systems fail miserably in this regard.
Getting the most accurate instrumental tone would always be my first priority as a manufacturer.
This is a good question and one of crucial importance in determining the relevance of the various responses we often read here.
I tend to skip any published review that does not offer a few words about tone. Strange as it seems, it would appear that, for far too many people, precise instrumental tonality seems to have little or no relevance, whilst to a few others it's almost everything.