I belong to the camp that prefers simple triode circuit with interstage coupling in DHT SET. It sounds more dynamic and transparent to my ears.
I don’t think it’s just an implementation issue though. DHT output tubes such as 300B are not that easy to drive and will not sound at its full potential if driver circuit is inadequate. The coupling method affects driver tube’s ability to swing voltage/drive the output tube, hence has direct impact to the final sound.
Interstage coupling allows more voltage swing to be squeezed out from the driver tube in theory and practice. In addition, the output tube can recover from overload very quickly with interstage coupling as the grid current can easily go through secondary winding of the interstage transformer to ground - an unique benefit of interstage transformer. These benefits are not insignificant in DHT SET.
I suspect that interstage coupling is less important for IDHT output tubes since IDHT output tubes are often easier to drive compared with DHT output tubes.
Also, it’s easy for me to advocate for interstage coupling in DHT SET as that’s not difficult to do in DIY - where cost, weight, and space are often less important (in fact, interstage transformers are often cheaper than high-end coupling caps). But if a manufacturer needs to fit everything in a single box, then the choice is very limited.