New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k

Hello all! I am new to this site, and preamp. Thiss might be niche, but I am using a Stax headphone with its amp, which has a bypass function for external preamp. I am trying to add a slight bit of warmth, plus better dynamics and imaging.


Currently I have found some good ones (and available), from what I've seen on this site, as follows:

Rogue Audio RP-9

Cary SLP-05 (around 11k with the "ultimate upgrade")


I've also seen ARC Ref 6 suggested, but there seems to be a lack of sellers in my place. As for SLP-05, the distributor at my place said there was no demo, even for the standard version......which left me with RP-9 for audition. Would much appreciate your opinions on them, and any alternatives!


Thank you in advance!


Also - don’t know how you feel about "Stax Mafia" / Kevin Gilmore electrostatic amp designs, but you might consider snagging a KGST (cheaper), KGGG (more expensive), or BHSE (Headamp, more expensive) when they come up on the used market. Just avoid any Chinese builds and stick to known builders.

Even the T-8000 is reportedly significantly underpowered compared to the Gilmore designs. I admittedly listen pretty loud, and have heard the Stax 727 absolutely fall apart, to mush, as I raised volume. You won’t get good dynamics and solid imaging if it’s going that way, and a more powerful amp would have a much bigger impact than adding the preamp in that case. The Mafia’s all-solid-state deigns (KGSShv, Carbon) can be a bit on the leaner and brighter side, which I definitely don’t prefer, but their tube hybrid designs really pull it together for my tastes.

In particular I find the KGST a nice pairing with L700 and 009 without breaking the bank.

  • KGST - Kevin Gilmore Single Triode, using 6S4A tubes. It's the simplest amp in this lineup.
  • KGGG - Kevin Gilmore Grounded Grid (EL34 driven with grounded grid)
  • KGSShv - Kevin Gilmore Solid State, High Voltage version
  • Carbon - Modified & improved KGSShv with Silicon Carbide FET output transistors
  • BHSE - Blue Hawaii was Kevin’s first attempt to replicate Stax’s legendary T2 amplifier before he had access to its circuit diagram. Her scribbled out this design on a cocktail napkin while drinking Blue Hawaii’s on vacation lol. The "SE" indicates Headamp’s (Justin Wilson) improved and modified version.

I suggest you take a look at Thomas Mayer's 10y Line Preamp.

His tube gear is hand built by him to custom order with numerous options available.
He is a very experienced world class engineer and designer. The parts and build quality are at the highest level. He is even producing his own tubes (Elrog brand). How many tube amp designer/builders are doing that?

You mentioned being in Asia and I believe he has a shop representing him in Hong Kong where you could audition his designs. It might also be possible in Singapore but maybe only Hong Kong.

You can email him to find out more. He answers promptly and deals personally with each customer. Very few (if any) others offer all that.

I purchased a used Pass XP-32 for 11.5K.  I would highly recommend it.  Great sound stage.  Super quiet.  Very natural sounding.  This was a significant step up over my Cary SLP 05 with the upgrade and NOS tubes.  

I have a solution for about 8k

Angela-Gilbert Yeung

C318 Line Stage Preamplifier

We have to make a lot of decisions every day - 1% or 2% milk? Chicken or beef? Donut or Bagel? White socks or black socks? When it comes to preamplifiers, the usual question is, "Tubes or solid state?".  And I say "Why not both?". The C318 offers the opportunity to create the perfect sound by offering separate 6922 and 6SN7 tube circuits, and a solid state circuit. Each circuit has its own volume control so that you can mix and match to create the ultimate tonal balance for your speakers, your room, and your music. Standard inputs are two balanced and three RCA, along with both both RCA and balanced outputs, and a separate line output. The C318 also has a beefy separate power supply, and rear panel jacks for both SP Capacitor Pack and FCF plug and play upgrades. I should also mention that it sounds amazing.