**** Your analogy of pointillistic artists actually makes my case, haha. ****
Not at all. Well, not in my world and that of just about every musician I know. Detail that by your own admission “does not make much sense” is meaningless and irrelevant as concerns what matters most, the music.
We are further apart than I even thought. While we are both musicians we live in different music worlds, in every sense of the term. No point (pun intended 😊) in addressing all that you just wrote, but I will address only one more of your comments and one which I think explains a lot:
**** Your job as a pro is to please most of your paying customers, the audience, who mostly sit far away. ****
Wrong! When playing in an orchestra, my job as a musician is to honor the music; IOW, “please” the composer by way of the conductor’s direction (sorry, audience).
Anyway, while I don’t have a problem with your wish to be “right” about this it’s probably best to end this dialogue as it is feeling like a competition of sorts. Your “haha” seems very telling.
I have enjoyed our dialogue, but prefer to move on. Regards.