? Modded Oppo 983 ?

Has anyone compared a MODDED Oppo 980 or 983 universal player to a stand alone cd player in the same modded price range?

I need variable output to feed my tube power amp and the Oppo meets this criteria. I want excellent cd playback (better than a un-modded Oppo). I can't seem to find anything else available with variable output. The Oppo's have the video portion dowm but the redbook cd playback is so-so.

I'm looking to replace my Oppo 970 (instead of modding it) with a modded 980 or 983 (1080P).
Thanks everyone. I bought the Benchmark DAC1. This way I can use any cd transport, DVD, or universal player I want. Even a BluRay play can be used for movies and cd playback with the Benchmark providing excellent sound in my 2 channel system.
Yeah this way it keeps 100% of your options open with any format you want, and is cheaper to change out a player for a couple hundred, and still have the core performance of a good DAC for the final sound, plus resale on the DAC will not suffer nearly as much as a modded DVD player.

Let us know how the DAC1 sounds - can you hear a solid imprvement or not? I note that Benchmark's DAC1 has a few years under its belt and yet lives on with high resale value - an almost certain sign of a good product. (I avoid bleeding egde latest and greatest and am a mere follower when it comes to products - many satisfied users with better ears than me and five or more successful years in the market without "lemon reports" is my weeding out - stay-off-the-merry-go-round selection process).
I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but this way I can tell you what the Benchmark DAC1 really sounds like after living with it for a while.

I'm running the DAC1 directly into a tube power amp using the Benchmarks volume control without a preamp. The DAC converting the digital signal to analogue, instead of the Oppo's analogue output, has very balanced sound the entire audio spectrum w/o highlighting an one instrument over another.

The background is so black that I initially thought something was missing. Something was...the noise and grain I was used to hearing. It is quite eerie not to hear it anymore. I can hear where one instument stops and another is placed in the sound stage, because it is black in between.

Even though there is greater air and upper frequency detail it is smoother. Not the smoothness associated with tube gear or soft presentation, but the smoothness of each note not having any distortion, grain, or harshness.

It is amazing to me how much I want a detailed sound, now that the noise and harshness is gone, and all that is left is clarity. I can design my system to emphesis detail if I want.
It shows again just how critical the DAC is. I hope the next few years advance that technology. I haven't read about Benchmark DAC modifications like there are on the others. I am very pleased with my PS Audio Digital Link III, but still curious about what the mods would do. Are there Benchmark mods?