There are thousands of my fellow audiophile brothers and sisters who read messages on the audiogon forum. Many have commented here and I accept all the comments and opinions.. even the negative ones. In fact, I appreciate these opinions because I learn from them. These ideas and experience(s) broaden my knowledge. I never expect everyone to think like me. Also, I don’t really have a hidden agenda with this question. I really do respect anyone who spends.. any amount of cash.. they see fit for their audio system. I have two audio systems and I think I have not paid more than $10K for each one. Again, to each his own pleasure and I don’t pass judgement on anyone paying more for their enjoyment or paying less.
I think we place priorities on what we like or what we love. I have placed a certain limited affection for music reproduction. What I get out of the experience from listening to my own system is not nirvana, nowhere near that. I have done other things in my life that get me closer to that. Recently I went to a jazz club and a jazz orchestra (about 13 players) was playing various classic songs. That experience allowed me to enjoy music much more than my own audio system could allow.
The guy who posts about his audio systems is Jay. Many here have already figured this out.