Lumin Streamers

I just found out that Eversolo offer a 2 year warranty on all their units.

Would anyone know if they have a service center in the USA which can handle in warranty and out of warranty repairs?

I’m looking at buying one this week.


@calieng your reading comprehension clearly sucks. Re-read my post again slowly. You’ll see that I have moved on from PS Audio and Paul McGowan. He is merely one dude and he’s invested a ton of money with I²s. So what the hell do you expect him to preach about? There’s nothing wrong with USB when it’s implemented correctly. My system has never sounded better.

I am pretty sure Paul knows a lot more than you so I will stick with him.

USB audio was to facilitate connecting a computer not high quality audio equipment. It has unnecessary power lead that needs to be isolated and requires translation on both ends to and from internal I2S format.

Why so butt hurt by the way? Lumin fan boy?

@calieng no, you troll.   Get it right.  I'm an Ayre fanboy. You stick with Paul and I'll stick with almost everyone else in the high end industry who produce far superior gear than PS Audio 🤣

The majority of Lumin products are streamers with internal dacs, so there is no need for an I2S connection. The best connection is no connection.