Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage

I'm considering replacing either my amp or my pre. My system is profiled in my system link. Which do you think would improve soundstage/imaging more:
Replace the P3? I'd consider used McCormack, or a passive line stage, but my amp clips at 5v, which is what my DAC puts out when using the XLR outputs, and I'd like to try those someday...not sure a passive is a good fit for my system? Plus I require a remote. That's a deal breaker.
Replace the Rotel RB-1080? I'd consider parasound (a21 is a bit too pricey for me), used McCormack, odyssey, maybe even older krell or classe. I want XLR inputs tho.
Budget is $900-$1200 for either. Music spans the full gamut, excluding hip hop and country. Room is small, 12x12x8. I'm going to throw up some affordable foam acoustic absorption this summer (foam factory). Thnx in advance.
Sorry to offend you with my settle down comment, what I meant was that you should wait for the treatments to arrive before buying new gear, that is all...most of us, myself included are a fairly impatient bunch. Your timelines are measured in months and years, I wish I had that kind of patience!
Realremo ;
It is my guess that you may not get the depth that you want in that small room . In my experience , you need a decent amount of space behind the speakers , 5 feet or more .
Try seeking other attributes in the music that you can improve upon and enjoy .

Happy Tunes
I believe Saki70 is right. Every system I heard with really depth was in a fairly large room with the speakers pulled out from the front wall quite a bit. I also have a small room (10x11) so I know the situation well.
Realremo - Thanks for the music suggestions. Playing CoppiceHalifax now (Pawley's Island). Sounds great. Going to try the others you suggested as well.
Well Saki maybe I should take a wall down. That has a very low WAF, I can guarantee you...I've already brought it up a couple of times...the previous owner finished out the basement in a a very inefficient way. He put the bathroom right in the middle, assuring that the rest of the rooms could only be square and small or long and narrow. Grr.
Bobnegi, thanks, I did get a little hot after being told to "settle down." I've been reading a lot of tubes vs solid state threads, and nerves get stretched pretty taught on those. I'm thinking of starting one, but I don't know...