6DJ8 vs. 6922?

Alright tube aficionados, are 6DJ8 and 6922 tubes inter-changeable? I would ask Roger Modjeski or Tim de Paravicini, but they're both dead.

Anyone care to name their favorites of each tube, for use in phono and/or line stage pre-amps?


agree w @rodman99999

no misinformation posted here that i see on the op’s basic query

i have probably ~1000 pcs of 6dj8 variants i have collected over the years, from european cca’s, ecc288/188, 7dj8/pcc88, bugle boys, a-frames, tele’s, adzams, mazdas, cifte’s, russian rocket 6h23p’s and so on... reason being i have been a c-j preamp user since the 90’s, and for many years, my beloved premier 16ls2 used 6 at a time

folks who have answered here to the op like myself and rodman999 have a substantial experience base with this tube (and tubes in general)

that said, i don’t know why one commenter went on about 12au7 5814 etc etc... got nothing to do with a 6dj8 except the physical tube form

As I mentioned earlier some gear is hard on tubes so NOS 6dj8 probably aren’t a good choice.  You want to use a 6922 , a ruggedized 6dj8

The Voskhod 6n23 tubes of the 70s are super rugged and last.  Those are what I used in my CJ Classic 2se

I have actually been trying to get away from this tube.   As Lynn Olson mentioned earlier they were never made for audio use, and are very inconsistent 

The good ones are $$$.   A lot of “NOS” are pulls from test equipment and military surplus electronics.  

Wow.....ask, and ye shall receive. ;-) Thanks again, one and all.

@oddiofyl: Roger Modjeski talked about the virtues of the 6922/6DJ8 for audio use----specifically in regards to phono pickup applications, and it’s advantages over the 12AX7 (see the clio09 post above). And Tim de Paravicini, another "pretty fair" hi-fi designer (EAR-Yoshino, Luxman, Quad, Musical Fidelity) used the higher voltage 7DJ8 in his pre-amps (I own an EAR 868L).

The quietest phono/line pre-amp I’ve owned was a Dynaco PAS 2 as "modified" (redesigned, actually) by Frank Van Alstine, who used 5751’s in place of the stock 12AX7’s (cranked to full output there was only a hint of tube rush, no hum what-so-ever). So it will be interesting to see how the RM-5 compares in terms of noise. Low noise was a high priority for Modjeski. My pickups are very high output (5mV’s!), so don’t require much gain---another way to achieve low noise. The gain of the phono stage of the RM-5 is only 36dB, plenty for a 5mV signal.