Tell me your experiences...specifically the dulcets and de capo's
I bought a pair of de Capos after reading comments by a number of posters here and at AA. They replaced some Triangle Cometes

I use tube amps and they have sounded great with all of them. They have detail, clean sound, good sensitivity and a low watt amp can drive them well.

I'm using a 4 watt Decware mini torii and also used Grommes phi26 1.75 watt with no problems also not listening at concert levels lol

when i hear voices over these sometimes i forget i listening to speakers same with interments but the voices really sound like someone is in the room

used they are getting harder to find but run $1000-1500 used.
A speaker should well, speak to you. The Reference 3a Decapo does just that, at least to me. I wouldn't say they are the absolute smoothest monitors I've listened to, maybe the lack of a crossover, just a blocking cap to the tweeter contributes to that impression but their ability to communicate the musical message and make you forget about their sound and engage you in the performance is just very special. Timbre and pitch of instruments, micro dynamics and natural resolution are all excellent. The 8" main driver and BE tweeter with their wide dispersion contributes to excellent soundstaging and better than average in room bass performance for a small monitor. I recently had a spectrum analyser in my room that indicated a slight rise at 80 hz that was ameliorated with bass traps and indicated virtually flat response at the listening position. In addition to a Berning amp I am using a custom Berning tube switching augumentation booster that enhances bass 5db below 35 hz which makes the speaker behave more like a floorstander in the bass.
I would say that they have a fuller richer sound than the Cometes, a lot more bass. Better soundstage and depth