Is there a truly musical multiple CD player?

And if so, what is it? I've got a friend who has a reasonably good system, Gallo Reference 3.1s with the bass amp, and an NAD T-785 receiver. I keep telling him that if he wants real music he will have to go with a single CD player but what he wants is a multiple CD player. Does a beast like this exist? And if so, what is the best one?
Thank you all, and yes you too Shadome, for your thoughtful responses! I'm going to see if I can track down the California Audio Labs changer for him. It's funny, he's no audiophile at all but he really gets it when the music is there...or it isn't, or behind such a glare that you get tired following along. Didn't mean to sound snobby with the 'real music' phrase, but then I'm a Single Ended Triode guy so you KNOW I'm living in a different world, if not actual planet....No, its OK, I'm used to it....
You're NOT alone when you speak of, "real music"!! There are those of us that still listen to it often enough to know what it sounds like, and seek to recreate the illusion at home. If that sounds, "snobby" to those that don't: So what? Facts are facts.

I'd suggest to mention to your friend that California Labs is no longer in business and that this is quite an old player. Just thinking about "repairs" and the age of the mechanical tray system and that a used one may have been abused/jammed on occasion. A DAC with a tube output could be coupled to a music server or larger changer and might be more along the lines of the realistic sound you are looking for. Opinions are just opinions though and the CL-10 will give good SS sound for sure.
The CL-10 is a v. good player and while parts are difficult to come by, not impossible. I recently fired mine up and while it was not in the same league as my APL 3910, it was not embarrassed. Given the HT Rcvr, I think its about the best he's going to do. I talked to my tech last week and he agrees its the best sounding changer he's ever heard.