How many of you streaming?

How many of you streaming Qobuz, Roon etc find yourself skipping through songs? Do you find yourself listening to an entire album start to finish?


I have no problem listening to a whole album streamed.  I just select an album, put down my tablet and listen till it's over.  Sometimes I'll read about the album or read the lyrics while listening.  And sometimes I find an album I've selected doesn't fit my mood and I'll switch to another.  But, in general, I don't skip around a lot.

I think some people are just too used to flipping around with their phones or other devices.  They just need to learn to put the devices down.

Yes. Typically the entire album. I am an album kind of dude 😂🤷‍♂️.


I stream Qobuz, Tidal, my owned ripped / downloaded music, via Roon, and sometimes via Innuos Sense

I enjoy being able to listen to full albums.  I have a few dozen I like to listen to.  There are lots of songs that the rest of the album is not worth listening to.  these end up on playlists.