Picture worth a penny LOL!!!!

OMG,  why more and more sellers on Audiogon are posting pictures of their feet and some ugly looking toes next to their high $$$ audio gear? I have no interest looking at some dirty toe nails when I am looking at audio gear 😂. 


I'm sorry, but I can't seem to control myself. This original post and some of the comments made have me grinning from ear to ear!


Haven't seen this but it seems to be a running joke that the unemployed are selling feet photos on the internet.  I don't think this is what they meant.

dumb fad. ugh. 

imitation of a facebook beach selfie--all those women takin beach chair pics down their legs toward the water. if youve been on facebook the last ten years(maybe more) youve seen that pic too many times to count. 

Spouse, if given her prefs, would have my feet replaced with Cheetahs...

Hammer toes from handmedowns from older bro, both big toe nails ruined from large heavy hits over the wreckades....right little toe removed ("...there's no bones left in there...I've never seen that before....." from the podiatrist...) so I can only count to 19, unless I include the Center Appendage...which normally only has to make an account and impression of its' own.... ;)

Why anyone would include their feet in an equipment shot is just lazy or weird....unless it's one of those ottomans' supported by feet.

Then, it's just goofin'... ;)