What was the craziest location that you made an audio purchase from?

I thought that this might be a fun topic.


I just purchased speaker cables on Audiogon while on a cruise ship in the Canary Islands How about you?



LOL  First disbelief, then the light came on, and then amusement.  Nice sense of humor.

Bought a pair of DeVore Gibbon 8 speakers from a guy near Annapolis, Md.  drove 18 hours round trip to pick them up the day before New Years in 2009-2010 time frame.  

Bought a gorgeous McIntosh 240 from an old lady at a garage sale. Was buying all her LPs, and she asked if I liked nice audio gear.

Cost me a whopping $40 (yes I told her it was worth way more, but she said I was a nice guy... ) It sits in my living room today, after a cleaning, and re-cap.

In the early-90’s I saw an ad in The Recycler (a buy/sell weekly in SoCal) for ASC Tube Traps, ten bucks apiece! I called the guy and arranged to immediately pick them up. They were in an empty house in Reseda, recently sold. I took ’em all---thirteen in total, including two 16". Best hi-fi deal of my life!