I have the DX Engineering filters between every network component and definitely hear a positive difference.
The "rabbit hole" reference above made me think of the Down The Rabbit Hole: Network Tweaks & Streamer DIY blog at TMR which has become my go-to reference for network enhancements. The featured contributor who goes by "Nenon" in other forums describes modding and stacking several Buffalo BS-GS2016 switches with good results. I am cost conscious so now only have two Cisco WS-C2960-8TC-S switches for $30 each stacked before my EtherRegen, short cabling (Supra Cat 8), stand alone modem near the rig, linear power supplies, fiber isolating the wifi as Nenon suggests - I'm one of the few it seems who don't like fiber as much as copper right in the audio path, maybe because of the converter noises people have mentioned.
Anyway, I've been pleased with the results by following the guidance in the article. When most every network tweak can be heard, I have little doubt the various switches mentioned here make a difference. Worth considering optimizing each component and connection along the way as an alternative to a single magic-bullet box. I just swapped out the last crappy ethernet cable near the modem to Supra and that really was a massive improvement.