user poll on seperates vs integrated

Hey guys, I wanted to try and crowd-source some (likely very opinionated, unscientific) knowledge.  I've read about the benefits of separates (have only ever used integrated myself), and I'm wondering how those benefits compare to the benefits of higher end parts/assembly, when controlled for cost.


To put it more plainly, would you likely get better overall results from a $5000 preamp and $5000 amp, or from a $10,000 integrated, given the likely quality/components used in equipment in those price ranges.


If you're experienced both separates, and integrated amps that cost the equivalent of those separate parts added together, can you speak to which you preferred?


Thanks for weighing in.


If you have a very good system separates are the way to go. Mono-blocks being the best. However a good integrated can also be good or good enough. Mostly depends on your loudspeaker choice.


Over the last almost ten years you have barely posted. What’s up? Are you thinking of upgrading your system? Where are we going with this thread?  Answers to such a non specific question are questionably useful.  Comparing specific equipment might be of more use, should you actually have a purpose to this thread.

I've owned integrateds and separates and prefer separates for the flexibility of  changing the pre or the amp.


russ69: thanks for the reply, wondering what specifically about speaker choice would make you lean towards either separates or integrated?  for reference, i use focal kanta 3 speakers.