I compared it to other players in my own house. The ONLY way to tell if one player works for you or not is to compare it in your own house on your own gear so you know what your hearing. I also upgraded my speakers, amps and preamp. I had a system that was not well balanced before when I had the Esoteric.
I don't agree that 1000 hours is required for break in. IF you can tell what electronically speaking happens after 1000 hours I might be able to believe you. Break in is very subjective in the first place. Some people believe your ears just adjust and that is your break in. I heard no difference after 100 hours and up to 4000+ hours. Yes I was using it balanced.
I now use Vandersteen 5A, Lamm M1.2 ref and VTL 7.5 preamp. Before I was using Watt Puppy 7 with Ayre MXR so it needed to be tamed.
I don't know your room and system so the Esoteric might work the best for you. You really don't see any reviewers using Esoteric players so that might tell you something.
Just giving my 2 cents so take it for what it's worth....
I don't agree that 1000 hours is required for break in. IF you can tell what electronically speaking happens after 1000 hours I might be able to believe you. Break in is very subjective in the first place. Some people believe your ears just adjust and that is your break in. I heard no difference after 100 hours and up to 4000+ hours. Yes I was using it balanced.
I now use Vandersteen 5A, Lamm M1.2 ref and VTL 7.5 preamp. Before I was using Watt Puppy 7 with Ayre MXR so it needed to be tamed.
I don't know your room and system so the Esoteric might work the best for you. You really don't see any reviewers using Esoteric players so that might tell you something.
Just giving my 2 cents so take it for what it's worth....