I had 2 integrated tube amps for several years that met my needs. Both from the same brand, highly reviewed, greatly enjoyed and my first foray into tubes and I loved the sound. I knew in the future I would go to separates, for the experience, but mainly for the flexibility of customizing the sound to my ears and listening room. My first separates were from the same integrated brand as my integrates. Then one day I brought here on Agon a used Dehavilland ultra-verve (6sn7 based) that I paid about $1200 for to see what it sounded like against my 12AU/12AX preamp. Immediately I knew the 6SN7 pre gave me the sound I was looking for, so the other pre, which costs a fair amount more that the used-pre was immediately boxed and sold. I quickly learned you cannot judge components based on price alone. Then I got a pair of tube monos and immediately sold the previous tube amp. I could not have explored if I had a one box solution. I don't care about extra cables, space, or anything that requires running separates or monos. I am only concerned with the end-sound out of the speakers.
My current amp and preamp retailed for 5k each, but buying directly from the designer/builder I saved a good amount. I liked the Ultraverve so much I went to Kara Chaffe, talked to her and got the Dehavilland Mercury pre. It fits the synergy of my system perfectly and I love the sound. She has since retired. I use the Ultraverve periodically and have it as a backup. My current mono amps are by Audio Mirror, for which I have some fairly new Lanlai tubes in it. Which are great.
Your question is a good one that I have thought about myself. I have never heard a 10k integrated but I like separates for the flexibily, focus on one-box solutions for each component to maximize power needs, isolation, etc. I am also about "value" big time, and I believe in having a back-up for each part in my system. I am a music lover first and equipment guy second. I can't recall who said it but somewhere I read a quote "to truly get to the music, you have to go through the equipment first".
This hobby is a long-journey and is different for each. I had a couple of lower-end solid state stereo amps as a back up to my Reflection monos, sold them and bought a used Synergy 450 from Van Alstine's website 225w per channel and really liked the amp and the tuneful low end. I had never had a high-powered amp with my EgglestonWorks speakers. I liked that component so much I recently bought a DVA SET 500 stereo amp (250w per channel) from Van Alstine and absolutely love it. Currently running the SET500 but putting the monos back in will be like having another, somewhat new system.
Based on the DVA SET500 I can totally agree that great sound is coming out for solid state. Who knows, one day I may get a one box solution, but for now I am set on separates. I don't want anything in a component not required for the main function of that component or something I won't use.
Everything is different for each person in the hobby. Generalizations are always made, reviews and marketing are rampant. My experience has been the only way to know what you want is to listen. Everyone ears are different. Hope this helps you. Your decisions should consider what do you want to put into the hobby (time, researching, tailoring sound, future goals, etc.) And what a great hobby it is for music lovers!