Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?

I have recently purchased a Pass Labs INT-25. It replaced a Wilsenton R8 with NOS tubes (EL-34). I feel that the sound im getting from the Pass is not 5000.00 better. Has anyone purchased a INT-25 and not been blown away from the sound? I do think  that the 25 has a wider soundstage.


Most of the people on this forum wouldn’t be able to form an opinion about a piece of gear without knowing the price.  Not many take an objective approach or blind test even when they know that they can’t be objective. It’s is what it is folks. The R8 is a fantastic amp, and it’s 25 watts of triode power are better, imo then the 25 watts of class A from Pass.  Burn in. Lol, take whatever amount of time you need to convince yourself the more expensive amp is better.  If that doesn’t work it’s gotta be the cables.  Or maybe it’s the DAC.  Another subjective money pit. Just keep throwing money at the issue until you are temporarily satisfied. 





Two totally different amps with totally different sounds.  Yes, the Pass is a much better amp.  

However, I interpret what you say as a clear indication that you like tube amps better.  sell the pass and buy an $8000 tube amp and you will be much happier.



totally apples and oranges

pickup truck vs miata... yes they are both cars and you buy both with money but comparing is rather silly as their applications are entirely different

what you have is a premier solid state amp versus a chi-fi budget tube amp, albeit a decent one at that... you should compare the willsenton with an audio research, lta or vac integrated and hear the difference