$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.

Long story short, I sold my beloved 2-channel to reduce family debt. In about a year-ish, I’ll be in a position to rebuild with a hefty budget. I loved my Harbeth + Pass Labs combo. My REL sub died before I really got to integrate it, so opinions wanted there as well. I fully understand the diminishing margin of returns when moving into some arenas, but that’s ok, opinions are strongly encouraged.

I listen to a lot of Miles Davis/Coltrane, Radiohead, Tool, Pearl Jam, Brent Cobb. I’ve often preferred “organic” or neutral, not sure how technical that is.



I actually didn't read your post that's why I made the comment.


I actually did read your post that's why I made the comment


I did read your post and you said and I quote $160,000 system will always some better than an $80,000 system that was your own words and I responded saying no that's not the case all the time just depends what equipment you're using what wiring you're using what speaker you're using I've heard $80,000 systems at some better than $200,000 systems so you were wrong as usual.

Mr. Prentice wrote, "I found that carefully chosen component at each level sounds better than the last… so a $80K system will sound very significantly better than a $40K system and not nearly as good as a $160K."

I bolded the contentious part. Perhaps you should read more carefully before you post, especially if you are being highly critical.

Agree wholeheartedly with the recommendation to devote up to 5K of your ample budget to travel, auditioning systems with established synergy. Audio Connection in Verona NJ would be high on my personal list listening to Vandersteen Quattro CT and Kento CT paired with Ayre electronics. With your budget, would also audition Wilson and Sonus Faber. On the back end, make sure to spend money on room treatments —as 50% of what you hear is the room.