the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

all components are imperfect. thus a component cannot be musical, its errors may be pleasant or unpleasant. in all cases there will be inaccuracies of timbre, thus a stereo system and component are not musical.

recordings may approach accuracy of timbre and the sound of a minimally uncolored stereo system, playing a minimally erroneus recording will approach the sound of instruments.

it is a mistake to speak of components as musical. components don't make music, rather instruments do, and recordings are an attempt to recreate the sound of instruments.

it makes sense to discuss components as more or less inaccurate and describe the nature of the inaccuracy.
perhaps, by musicality, you mean euphonically colored.
Mrt, if a tree falls in the forest with nobody around does it make any noise?

Hi Mrtennis

May be musical is 'right timbre with continous sound and less digititis'
I have got the ML 39 to try at home. As the J.R. monoblocs are brand new and not broke in, to take for what it is

ML 39, great change after the Denon 2700
more details, definition, better defined soundstaging, some frequencies (middle high range less agressive)
... some adjectives: analitical, clean, precise but without warmth ... but please remenber monos not fully broke in

that said I am impressed and wouls like to know how it compares to all your recommendations