the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

Arg, there certainly isn't another company following EMM in the reliability (LACK OF) department. Wadia might be the name eluding you?

EMM is not unreliable, only gitchy in how it operates. It reads the disc in a very different way than most CD Players and as such the controls at times don't work instantly. But the machine always works, just sometimes you need to wait or eject the CD & reinsert it. I believe (a guess) that it holds some information in ROM instead of reading direct from the disc. I don't think they publicize it, but since there is a 6 second gap before it plays and further, that upsampling happens at the software level it makes sense. In this regard, a small price to play for the phenomenal sonics of the machine. There are comparable machines but IMO they all cost much more money.
The CDSA is the one they are having trouble with. Look in the forums, it is a real problem.
"Glitchy" is OK at 11500? Your machine is not glitchy, it is defective. Are you under warranty?