the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

Thanks Grant.

I go to Circuit City for a number of those products.

I see why he disses the real high end stuff.

Appreciate it.

If you read the EMM documents on how it is programmed it explains that Meitner has done a few things that reduce functionality in terms of delays (about a 5-6 second delay from startup) but this is to improve sonics. Please show me what you sell that might have comparable sonics. Also, in what system would you be able to judge such sonics. A low end system does not need an EMM. The difference would be there but small as the system wouldn't reveal the benefits.

I have the EMM upgraded w. the new transport and the performance of the unit has not improved in terms of functionality, just sound (very slight). It is not based on hardware the EMM delays. It is how they program it. They had a rom update with better functionality but then released a new rom update w. improved sonics (anyone not using the latest rom update is missing out) and reduced fuctionality. Mind you all this means is that at the end of a CD you would need to reload it once in a while (especialy if you haven't used the CD player over night, but not on the same night) if you want to hear it again. That appears to be due to the music no longer being available in the Memory and needing to refresh the memory. Just like needing to restart a computer from time to time.
Fail, I do beleive I provide the best buy for my clients.
Dgad, there is nothing wrong with a buffer. The load to play times you describe are normal. You talked about a tray door. Unless I am confusing you with yet another unhappy EMM owner? Keep watching my site for new and exciting products! I am a Krell owner and prefer not to do the Show and Tell thing. The retail value of the cabling alone exceeds the value of most members' systems. Most folks are well aware of current Krell retails. I have two pieces Signed by Mr. D'Agostino himself. Wouldn't that be a bit self serving to show off something like that?