cheapest speaker made in the last 10 year that can beat any speaker made before 1970?

what do you think?


I dont think that many modern speakers at relatively low cost under 20,000 dollars can beat my past Tannoy dual concentric gold  rightfully installed in an acoustic room...

But if someone want to pay, some contemporary sophisticated speakers will beat them easily but at a very very  higher price...Technology progress for sure...

The future of acoustic will be revolutionized too with A.I.


@realworldaudio and @mahgister well said and many dittos of agreement.  When someone can throw a $2 x 2" speaker on a table and make it sound like some of the great old stuff, they will have something.  For now, I will be happy with my big speaker cabinets and wonderful sound. 

Not possible r even close , you had the Big  infinity irs  speakers, 

Klipsch K horns , Maggi ,sound labs , kLH, Bozak this is just a sample of older technologies that still hold their ground very well in the U.S Europe too had a bunch of classic speakers.