the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

>>Cary 306, ARC CD7/8 or the VK-D5 24bit...closer to vinyl it don't get!<<
it is not really that close unless you place them on the same rack.
Then again, it depends on the vinyl rig .......doesn't it?
It would be helpful if you stated, which analog setup are you referring to.
Just curious.
Mrjstark, you are trying to pin a mosquito to the wall. I am refering to the general qualities of vinyl vs digital...harmonics are complete, fleshed out and relaxed without the compression and two dimensionality of most SS players.
I am not questioning your ears or motives........but generalizing/describing analog characteristics in one sentence is tough even for the "vinyl" junky.
There is simply to many flavors ........ same goes for digital reproduction.
Some DAC/transports and CDPs can indeed be very seductive and resembles analog qualities. Those you mentioned too.
The list of those players/DACs is very, very short.

........but the question stands - which TT(s) setup are you reffering to while describing analog ....... in general. (which those CDPs remind you of)
Again - just curious

and thanks for sharing


The Walker Proscenium Gold rig comes to mind...maybe without quite the sheer definition and layering it provides.
I have met Lloyd W. personaly and chick chat about this and that. Cool guy and complete fanatic when it comes to Vinyl & and tweaks.

Yes, his tables are very, very close to analog nirvana.
However, non of the mentioned CDP can compare to Walker rig.
(with appropriate arm/cart that is)

At the end I must say that digital came a long way since its early days.

Personaly......without reaching into absurd price points, my earlier posted
favorite is mighty good and suits my own taste like a glove.

There is also recently introduced DAC which was reviewed and awarded by Ebaen Srajan last month - for the most "Analogue density DAC.

I somewhat agree with that statement.
