This thread prompts me to reflect on how fortunate I've been in the matter of wives and audio. Without going into too much detail, wife #2 got me started in quality audio. I was supporting her equestrian habit, and really didn't buy much for myself. Out of the blue, one day she asked, "why don't you get yourself some nice speakers?" I did, and loved them. She enjoyed them, too. More equipment followed. We shopped for amps together.
I was even more fortunate with wife #3 (current, and hopefully the last one)! She is a former classical musician and recording artist. When we went shopping together for speakers about three years ago, she told me "I don't care what they look like. Sound quality is what matters." Thankfully, our tastes in both music and speakers are closely aligned, but I care more about appearance than she does. We ended up with Sonus Faber floorstanders, which we agree sound terrific -- the best speakers we auditioned -- and look good.
May you all be at least half as fortunate as I've been!