Infinity Primus P363 TAS review

Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things?

I tend to agree with you overall. But, I didn't mean that comment to be taken completely literal.

"What does the speaker suck at? That's what I want to know. lol."

See the lol at the end? I try, but no one ever gets my humour. Oh well, back to the issue at hand.

"While some may have characteristics that are not to my taste, remember that reviewers are ideally writing for readers with widely varied tastes, not just their own."

That's a very reasonable assumption on your part, but it's not true, more often than it is. Usually, a reviewer asks a company to review a product. They hear something in a store or at a show that they like, and that usually leads to a request. You would think that whoever the boss is at the magazine hands out the reviewers assignments, but that's not the norm. It does happen like that sometimes, but most of the time, the reviewer picks a product and then asks for permission to review it. While this is not a practice they hide, to their credit, quite often they will talk about this in the review itself, I don't think it best serves the readers. If a reviewer only picks stuff he knows he is going to like, we know how the review is going to go. For me, personally, I would like to see the reviewers take on more of a challenge. So if, for example, a reviewer doesn't like ribbon speakers, I want to see him review one. It'll make for a better comparison. I'm willing to bet that a reader will get more out of a review like that, than he will from someone who starts off already being sold on the product.
Zd542, yes my comment was directed to you.

The OP was not talking about generic loudspeaker reviews, but about a specific review by a specific reviewer. As I stated above, REG is an outstanding reviewer. Rather than lump all reviewers together, take the time to figure out if some of them actually know what they are talking about.

Over the past few years both TAS and Stereophile have reviewed and raved about some very expensive loudspeakers. The magazines claim that these loudspeakers push the boundary of SOTA and perform noticeably better than the previous generation of loudspeakers. At the same time both magazines also claim you can get good quality sound for only a few hundreds of dollars. But what I find most interesting is that both magazines seem to agree that from $2-8k a consumer can get excellent quality sound. According to the magazines true high end sound doesn't have to cost a small fortune. I think that's a good thing.

"As I stated above, REG is an outstanding reviewer. Rather than lump all reviewers together, take the time to figure out if some of them actually know what they are talking about."

Fair enough. But I'll ask the same of you. Here's one of my posts from yesterday.

"01-15-15: Zd542
You know, if you really want to get best results, it would be a good idea to plan the whole system, and how everything will sound working together. If you go that route, its amazing at how good the sound quality can be investing a relatively small amount of money. Its definitely more work, but the results will be worth the time.
Zd542 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

But getting back to your concern, maybe you can get to know the reviewers better yourself. I know who Robert E Green is. I used to read audio magazines when I was a kid. Over the years I've meet all these guys either at CES, The Stereophile show or at B&M dealers, and am no more impressed with any of them, than people who are not reviewers. The impression I get is that they are hired more for their writing skills than audio. If I were to hand you and REG the same exact component to review, I'm willing to bet that you would do just as good a job, maybe even better.
What do the Infinities suck at?...Simply robbying one of the great luxury of overspending then having to justify that purchase...