Infinity Primus P363 TAS review

Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things?
My reading of the review makes me think that REG does think the Infinities compete with mega bucks speakers. That's why I was amazed by the review.
A similar speaker in the Harman lineup is the JBL L890. I have a pair which I used fom '07-'12. I can safely say that it punched way above its weight when driven by Bryston amp and preamp. I got the pair for $800. You still might be able to get them at that price. I haven't checked lately. I'd love to hear a shoot-out between the Infinities and the JBLs. I imagine they could be similar, but who knows at this point?
These were on sale for one day on Amazon for $100 each with free shipping. I bought two pair. I'm going to use them for home theater.