Infinity Primus P363 TAS review

Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things?
A similar speaker in the Harman lineup is the JBL L890. I have a pair which I used fom '07-'12. I can safely say that it punched way above its weight when driven by Bryston amp and preamp. I got the pair for $800. You still might be able to get them at that price. I haven't checked lately. I'd love to hear a shoot-out between the Infinities and the JBLs. I imagine they could be similar, but who knows at this point?
These were on sale for one day on Amazon for $100 each with free shipping. I bought two pair. I'm going to use them for home theater.