@larsman Great line.
The relevance of the album’s ideas to our current state of affairs:
Selfishness, greed, entitlement, and a lack of respect for life obviously define the Western World today.
- corporate dominance at the expense of human dignity
- crushing and punishing the poor
- inhumane work/living/housing conditions
- lack of health care
- prioritizing the power of the NRA over the rights of children to attend school without being mass murdered.
- prioritizing the wealth of a tiny fraction of Earth’s population (oil companies) over addressing the fact that the entire human race may not be able to live on Earth a few hundred years from now
Not a lot of respect for life here.
- prioritizing the wealth of Tech Bros over addressing the abominable conditions facing millions of poor people
- prioritizing the wealth of universities and capitulating to the entitlement of their customers (formerly known as students) over actually educating the population
- tribal behavior that punishes any person in draconian fashion who speaks in any way remotely outside of a narrow dogmatic corridor of language/thought (this goes for both sides of the aisle), i.e., “just shut up and be a sheep like the rest of us, and you won’t get hurt”
Yeah, I think a lot of the stuff is just as relevant now as ever.