G Rated Comments About the Relevance of Pink Floyd’s Animals Album:

It was a favorite album of mine, back then, for the music.

I had no idea how telling it was, at the time. But I get the gravity of it all, now … both, as a piece of art and also a statement about where we were headed as a society.

Wondering how long this thread can stay up. Hopefully, for a while …

General ground rules apply: please abide by Audiogon’s house rules of conduct, so we can enjoy it.

Please keep it G rated enough so we can hear some hilarious comments. Not that the situation is hilarious or anything about it at all.

So let’s be civil. And let this be an exercise in remaining light hearted.



The conceptual roles of Dogs, sheep and pigs is a pretty cynical yet powerful analogy for the dark model of human civilization these days and pretty much always.

Think yin/yang. There is a dark and bright side to everything and we all get choose how we play the game. Star Wars took that concept and brought it home for many.

Loved “Animals” when it came out and it has aged well.

I’m a dog lover. Pigs ain’t kosher….not for me. Sheep are fine down on the farm and just want to be left alone






Loved “Animals” when it came out and it has aged well.



"And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around...." - always loved that line.... 

@larsman Great line.  

The relevance of the album’s ideas to our current state of affairs: 

Selfishness, greed, entitlement, and a lack of respect for life obviously define the Western World today.  
- corporate dominance at the expense of human dignity
- crushing and punishing the poor
- inhumane work/living/housing conditions
- lack of health care
- prioritizing the power of the NRA over the rights of children to attend school without being mass murdered.  
- prioritizing the wealth of a tiny fraction of Earth’s population (oil companies) over addressing the fact that the entire human race may not be able to live on Earth a few hundred years from now

Not a lot of respect for life here.

- prioritizing the wealth of Tech Bros over addressing the abominable conditions facing millions of poor people
- prioritizing the wealth of universities and capitulating to the entitlement of their customers (formerly known as students) over actually educating the population
- tribal behavior that punishes any person in draconian fashion who speaks in any way remotely outside of a narrow dogmatic corridor of language/thought (this goes for both sides of the aisle), i.e., “just shut up and be a sheep like the rest of us, and you won’t get hurt”

Yeah, I think a lot of the stuff is just as relevant now as ever.

@tylermunns Dude, you nailed it …

I love that we got far enough on this thread that that perspective came out …

Maybe it would be fun to start another thread on how best ti deal with it, as a people that’ve been so affected by the situation …

Or, maybe it would be more fun to keep this one going, so the conversation can continue to evolve into something even bigger …

I’d like to hear what you guys (and gals) have to say on that subject, by mentioning a fav song that speaks to what you’re proposing, and explaining why, if needed.

I’m gonna kick it off by saying Chocolate City by Parliament slash Funkadelic …

Please keep the conversation civil so the thread doesn’t get shut down by the moderators. It’s OK to express something kind of out there, just keep it G rated enough, the way you present it …

Chocolate City being my example.

@larsman +1

That’s a really great lyric … and the groove that it’s attached to is so beautiful.