DSP dirac test error ‘low signal to noise level’

Keep getting this annoying error when I'm doing a measurement. I am using a Umik microphone, calibrated, for dirac.  The microphone is connected to a laptop.

It says to reduce background noise, there is none.  I reduce the gain and increase the channel volumes and still the error happens.

Anyone else have these annoying problems?


No solution accept have learned it is common to have these issues.

I did notice the iPad Dirac app has recently been updated from an app that was really quite dreadful.  Still Not as good as desktop, but I may try soon since it's more convenient.

I have hand problems so I can't use desktop very easily

  1. Don't use a hub
  2. Disconnect laptop from charger
  3. Check the input sample rate/mode.  Your software may need a specific setting and mono or stereo.  Windows audio settings kind of suck so good luck.