G Rated Comments About the Relevance of Pink Floyd’s Animals Album:

It was a favorite album of mine, back then, for the music.

I had no idea how telling it was, at the time. But I get the gravity of it all, now … both, as a piece of art and also a statement about where we were headed as a society.

Wondering how long this thread can stay up. Hopefully, for a while …

General ground rules apply: please abide by Audiogon’s house rules of conduct, so we can enjoy it.

Please keep it G rated enough so we can hear some hilarious comments. Not that the situation is hilarious or anything about it at all.

So let’s be civil. And let this be an exercise in remaining light hearted.



@tylermunns Cool song. 

@carlsbad2 @gimmer I used to be an optimist … and have actively tried to be one pretty much my entire life. And I believe it served me well … mostly, helping me keep my focus where it belonged so I could accomplish the things I had set out to accomplish. I think it’s a good approach to life, but I have to say, I’ve learned to be more of a realist. Considering that it’s come out that we’re being lied to by sone of our supposed leaders, I think that’s a more effective approach these days.

Care to suggest a song to represent the times?


I've friends (as we all do) on both sides of the political trenches, and they both believe they are right. From who makes a good and honest president to whether it is fair to have universal healthcare. Their kids echo their parents' sentiments.

How to deal with it?
Teach your children well.

(The) Pink Floyd were certainly aware and in-tune with past/current events. The band nailed "it" with back-to-back Classics, Animals and The Wall. In 2023, those messages are loud and clear.


Happy Listening!

I like Animals a lot better than Wish You Were Here and the Wall... Dark Side unfortunately is overproduced, imo.... 

so, Animals holds up for me.