cheapest speaker made in the last 10 year that can beat any speaker made before 1970?

what do you think?


@kennyc just wonder what happen next , jus ready for next moneh investment that will , ay least i know what coild be fo be for next move 

for last repky  you mean jbl is no good , coloration but low hatmoniv disyortion , right  ??  what shojld i do to chhose the best diver beside jbl?

Answering this question requires only two things, to listen to and remember the sound of every speaker made before 1970, and then simply listen to every "cheap" speaker available

oh yes  ,  how do you think about same price comparso apeaker before 1970 and today ?

How do you compare a panel speaker to a box speaker?  They have different advantages and disadvantages.  

a stand mount vs a floorstander?  Apples to oranges or rule out stand mounts?

if you’re speaker shopping, a budget, stating your audio chain, and sonic preferences would be much more straightforward.