There is now an LFT-8c. It has a new woofer and a price jump to $4800 pair.
First off, this is the speaker value of the century. It is a Line Source Dipole (for the most part) with a force over area drive. All points of the diaphragm are controlled by the signal unlike regular dynamic speakers. It creates way less room interaction than a regular dynamic speaker. It will create a much more life like image. The width of the drivers was properly chosen to create even horizontal dispersion. It's transient response is excellent.
Like every loudspeaker out there, it is not perfect. When you stand up the high frequencies disappear as soon as your head gets above the tweeter. The vast majority of us listen seated so it is a quasi problem. But, the same thing happens if you are on the floor having fun with the wife listening to Sade.
The woofer is not a line source. It is a point source radiator. It is going to loose acoustic power with distance much faster than the rest of the speaker which is line source. Consequently, the balance is going to be right only at one distance. For most rooms this is a trivial problem because you can not get that far away from the speaker. The driver is actually a subwoofer driver and is capable of very long excursions vibrating the heck out of the rest of the speaker. The woofer set up was a compromise ET had to make to keep the price down and the morphology of the speaker more acceptable to most people. You have to be able to sell speakers. Ideally there should be four subwoofers spread across the front wall creating a line source and isolating the rest of the speaker from direct involvement with the woofer driver.
As suggested by ET I would definitely biamp this speaker. It is not very efficient and two lower powered amps are probably less expensive than one very high powered one. You also get to lose an analog crossover that is probably limiting efficiency to some extent.
Mr Guttenberg has not heard 8 foot ESLs with a line source subwoofer array. But, that speaker system costs $100,000. The ET LFT 8c is accessible to just about all audiophiles at a very reasonable price. I hate the tonearm but I love the speakers!